Cole came over to play with Joshua, and Cole's mom, Alyson, was trying to teach me some things about my camera, so I was playing with photography. She is a great photographer and takes some really amazing pictures.
Here is my attempt... isn't Cole Adorable?
Joshua was fixing the wheel for Cole.
Not sure what was going on here, but yea.. I was practicing.
Little editing... haha..

I have no idea what he is teaching Cole, but I am sure Joshua is scheming..or maybe pointing to the airplane that was flying above.
Two of the most handsome little boys you will ever see in your life.
Joshua wanted to ride on Cole's baby toy... while Cole was more interested in trying to ride Joshua's big toy. Too funny.
Hope everyone had a Happy Green Day!!
hahaha this is awesome!!! I love the one where Joshua is pointing up and Cole is just staring at him in amazement. I agree, CUTEST boys EVER!!