My name is Jayme Smith and I am 30 years young.
I am a scattered brained mother of a toddler, and a wife of almost 4 years. Those two drive me insane sometimes, but the good kind of insane, not the padded cell kind.
I love hanging out with my guys, John and Joshua. I love my cat Garfield. I love my Mom & Dad. I sometimes love my brother.. only sometimes because isn't that the way siblings are suppose to be? Just kidding. He's great.
I love scrapbooking, decorating on a dime, wintertime, rain and the beach. I am known to drink an occasional fruity cocktail drink. I love to be involved in all of Joshua's activities, he is my world and cheering him on gives me great pleasure.. so does laughing at him, because he is one funny little dude.
In the Spring/Summer you can find me out on my parents ranch. They farm rice, cattle and crawfish, so there is always something to do. In the Fall/Winter you will find me parked in front of the TV cheering on the Texas A&M Aggies or curled up on the couch with my Kindle.
If you check our DVR, you will find things like Mike & Molly, CSI: Miami, Hawaii 5-0, Chase, Two and Half Men, and Curious George. If you were to check my Kindle, you will find classics like Pride and Prejudice, or Brave New World; but also things from James Patterson or Nicolas Sparks.
I believe in fairy tales. I always want the good guy to win.
I have been writing for as far back as I can remember. I have journals upon journals from when I was younger. Mostly stupid stuff. I didn't write about anything deep.. just feelings that I had and things that inspired me. I certainly do not hold any literary degree, so please don't pay attention to my wording or spelling. I do hold a communications degree though, so if you ever meet me in person and I can't hold a conversation.. well.. that was money wasted.
I started scrapbooking in 2000 and immediately fell in love. I have always had a scrapbook of movie stubs, pictures and stickers from when I was little, but then I was introduced to stamps, papers and cut outs. I was in love. I have since fallen back in my scrapbooking because life has caught up with me... but one day.. I will catch up!
I got married in 2007 to the love of my life, John. We bought a cute 3 bedroom house, had a fairy tale wedding, went to Disney, and started our lives together.
In 2008, I had a baby. Joshua was 7lbs. 8oz. and looked exactly like me. He was born with blue eyes and red hair, which later both turned brown. He is amazing and really smart.. but I am his mom, so of course I say that. Joshua is still my mini me... and on any day, anyone that knows my family will look at him and say, "He is a Bauer."
If you come to my house, you will catch me... folding clothes, the laundry never stops around here... on my computer either facebooking or blogging... playing trains with Joshua.. cleaning and reorganizing because I have a touch of OCD... or sitting on the back porch with John. If I am out and about, you can normally find me shopping, at the grocery store, hanging out with family, or Toys R Us.
My favorite place to shop at is Hobby Lobby. My favorite color is turquoise. My favorite place to eat is Cheddar's. My favorite food is pizza. I love to have fun and love to laugh. I am sort of a homebody, I would much rather you come to me. I love to entertain. My house is always decorated in the theme of the season. We have a different Christmas tree in every room in the winter. My favorite place to vacation is Disney World. We go on a trip every year to Fredricksburg, Texas.
I am addicted to my computer, my camera, and my Kindle. I also love costume jewelry, James Avery, and Zales. I own more Coach purses than I need, and more flip flops than a person can wear in a life time. My favorite shoes are my Justin boots or my Nike shocks. I am a Dress shirt and jeans kind of girl. I love to travel, and I am in love with the beach. If I could live on a beach.. where it snowed.. that would be heaven to me.
I am just a regular young country girl raised on a ranch, lived in a big city, and settled in a medium sized Texas town. My blog is not perfect, but it documents the ups and downs of my life, it documents my thoughts good or bad, it documents things that inspire me, and hurdles that I have to cross. Mainly.. this document is for me... so that in my old age, I can remember the loves, laughs and losses in my life. It's my funny, sometimes sad, awful, beautiful, life!