So here are reasonable resolutions for the new year:
1. Blog better. - I blogged a lot last year, but I would tend to get behind and then post like 3 posts on the same day. I need to create a schedule and keep up better.
2. Organize my house better. - I have a touch of OCD, but lately you wouldn't even know it. With everything going on in our family .. I am just tired and have gotten to where I don't care at the moment. But sometimes... I lay up at night and just think about how terrible my junk drawer looks.. seriously... I will lay there for two hours picturing it in my head.
3. Weight. - Doesn't this have to be on a list of resolutions? It's like mandatory!! Ok.. so there is this bikini... I have 11 months to fit into it. The gym is my new best friend.
Ok.. I could keep going, but I don't want to try too many things at once.
I am excited about this year though. I am going to try to be a better mother, daughter, sister and wife. We have so many great adventures planned for this year. And possibly expanding our family towards the end of this year. (after our Disney cruise)
I just see great things in the future for the Smith family.
I want this blog to expand too.
I want to keep documenting family life, farm life, and just life in general. But I would love to expand to small crafts, designing, and possibly tips on how to save money. There are just so many things dancing in my head.
2012 is off to a good start!!

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