Joshua and I want to spend time with him. We never know if he will be home for a week or a few days. So, we make most of what we have..... and everything else... Including this blog.. gets put on the back burner.
I have plenty of time to do what I should to... but when he is here.. my whole world stops and I just want to spend time with him.. even if its sitting in our chairs catching up on the DVR. It's heaven when he is home.
Of course we have bills to pay, and we dream of a new home... so he must work.
When he was home though, we spent a lot of time outside because of the nice weather.
Joshua loves his new "bouncy ball" as he calls it. He actually got it for his birthday almost six months ago, but we finally bought a pump to blow it up. He was loving it.
Little man is also loving these things called "Trashies". They are as ugly as can be... and disgusting... but its all the new rave and new ones are hard to find. I just can't believe that he would be so obsessed with playing with fake trash stuff. Ick.
He actually calls them "squeakies".. no idea why...
But this is a little of what we have been up to.. spending time together as a family. At home. Simple.
But simple moments are sometimes the best moments in life.
So... let it be simple.. and full of joy... and laughter.. and bouncing, because there is always time for bouncing...

I have never heard of trashies! Interesting. Glad to know I am not the only one the falls behind! Just not enough time in a day.