We started heading for our favorite restaurant.... Monument Inn... but the line for the ferry was so long, and the ferry was taking forever, so we turned around and headed back into town to eat at Carrino's.
It was a wonderful meal, and although my dad had to leave early for work, we were happy with the hour we got to spend with him. My dad is such a wonderful, loving and laid back man. He knows no stranger and makes fun of everything. He is defiantly a happy go lucky kind of guy.
And Joshua? Well.. Joshua worships his Papa almost as much as his Daddy.
I am so lucky to have so many great men in our lives to be good role models for Joshua.
Here is Papa opening his gifts....
He got a new mouse pad.
A new flag for the flagpole on the ranch.
And a Shirt that reads, "Never Fear, Grandpa is here!" This was Joshua's favorite of course.. being that he is into Super hero's and all... and since Joshua is having a Super hero birthday, he says Papa can wear it to his party. haha.
Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful fathers out there!

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