So.. without further ado... the 700 pictures I took....
Cut down to only 33 of my favorites... haha!
Notice the map in his hands... this was his key to the zoo.. he would NOT let it go.
His Meema had a blast with him... all us young people and she kept up with him better than we did!
And when we move out on the farm, I want an atrium where I can house pretty Macaw's like these...
and a pond with flamingos.... yes please!!
This bird was a little frustrated with me taking his picture.
Meema and Shelby help Joshua try to find the animals.
Joshua.. and his obsession with the map.. led to him to direct "his Crew" as to what we were going to see next. Yes.. he would call out.. "come on crew, follow me!!".... "hurry up crew, come see this!!"
Next time I am dressing up like a pirate to visit the zoo... because that's what I felt like.. a pirate crew, and man... was our captain bossy!!
These birds were adorable.. so cute and tiny.
We even got to feed the little birdies.
It was so much fun feeding the birds until this one went berserk and starting screaming...
Mother and Son having a little chat..
And.. the animals... the Oh so cute animals!!!
And this little guy was my favorite!
These two kiddos had the time of their life!
And of course Meema loves her little Joshua.
This elephant decided to give himself a bath and ended up flinging the mud towards us. Luckily he didn't get anyone, but about 1 more foot and we would of been covered in smelly elephant bath water.
Honestly, this was one of the best visits to the zoo I have ever had. The animals were so great and friendly. The weather was nice, and we had a great time with the family. I can't wait to do this again next year!!!

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