This weekend certainly delivered. We had a family Garage sale with my Sister in Law and her sister. ... and yes.. a Family Garage Sale it was. It left me feeling that I had sisters.. actual sisters. I loved that feeling, because of course I love my brother, but there is nothing like having a sister that you talk to about girl things.. that understands what your going through because they have been there too.
It was a miserably cold and rainy day...
but my heart was warm and full as I got to experience what it is like to have sisters.
Joshua had a blast too, he loved playing Hide and Seek with Sarah and was so full of energy. I swear if I could bottle 1/8th of what he has... I would be a happy camper with more than enough energy.
He and I broke the broom, so I ran to the dollar store to buy another one and there he found this coloring set that kept him contained for about 30 minutes. He loves to color and be creative.
The Garage sale went great. I did not beat my all time high sales, but I got really close. For a rainy.. yucky day.. I think we all did great!
Later that night, Grayson came over to play with Joshua. And then, Joshua was then the one in family heaven. He was so sweet with Grayson and wanted to play and take care of him so bad. Joshua will make a great big brother some day..... hopefully next year.
Aren't they so cute together?
"Having some place to go is home. Having someone to love is family. Having both is a blessing."
This weekend.. we were blessed.

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