Once home, Joshua decided he wanted a snack. He looked around and found a popcorn tin. He loves himself some popcorn! However.. he decided to get a bowl and pour the popcorn straight from the tin into the bowl. He tipped the tin over.. and this is what happened....
Joshua did try help cleaning up, but it then became a game to him and he was just pushing popcorn all over the floor. So.. I gave him another job.. helping Granna cook...
Luckily, it was time for Olivia's party, so we headed over to their house. Joshua had a blast, and Olivia loved all her presents.
Joshua became the first customer at his cousin Hannah's Beauty Shop.. and I had to laugh out loud as I caught this on camera...
He looks like he is in the torture chamber.
After the party, we went back home for Uncle Ryan's Birthday party. Here are a few shots of his party. It wasn't quite as funny as Hannah's Beauty Parlor, but we always have a blast with friends and family.
This cow actually belonged to my grandfather, who passed away in 2006. It was one of my brothers favorite toys when going over to visit my grandparents, so my grandmother decided to pass it down to Ryan.
All in all.. it was a great day.. filled with birthday parties, and we had a blast!
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