When we go into any store... he of course... thinks we are made of money and will pick out 10 things and tell us... "It's only ten dollars.. please Mom and Dad."
So today, he had $10 birthday money and I was determined to NOT use any of our money.
He had $10 and that was it!
So he looked and looked and finally found just what he was looking for... all under $10.
He even paid the cashier himself.
and what did he buy?
A stuffed King Julian for $6.99
and some candy for $1.99
Total: $9.00 and some change.
Even got back a few coins to save for the next purchase.
We are so proud of him!! He is learning the value of a dollar, and that he must control his shopping habit and only pick what he can afford.
Now if only I can figure that out!! Just kidding! I am doing much better.
And after dinner.... a little game of chess with Daddy.
I love my two boys!

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