and what do you when you turn 34? You go to the Aquarium and google at the fish like you just turned 10!
Before you go though.. you must open your presents.
And, since My Mother's birthday is on Wednesday and my Dad is working until the end of time... we let her open up her gifts too.
We arrived at the restaurant and since we are club members, we got seated right away at one of the best tables in the house... right next to the Aquarium.
Our waiter was very funny and entertaining. He joked about everything and called Joshua "Batman" since he was wearing a batman shirt.
My Aunt Lucy and Uncle Grady also came with us. They had never been to the Aquarium before. I think my Uncle Grady was in fish heaven as he watched the beautiful fish swim round and round. Before we knew it, the boys were in some kind of contest to see who could name the most fish... OK.. there wasn't a contest.... but they were all trying to put their 2 cents in.
Then Joshua decided to read the fish a bedtime story because it was getting late. The fish seemed to swim away in horror as they noticed that Joshua was indeed... eating fish sticks.
I swear I heard a few of the fish whisper... "You Trader."
Joshua normally orders the chicken fingers... but tonight he proclaimed... "I will have the fish sticks!"
The restaurant no longer sings for birthdays, but the crazy waiter was kind enough to serenade 'Happy Birthday' to my mother.
With dinner over, my parents and Aunt and Uncle headed home.
We headed for the splash pad to try to tire out our little man. Between the splash pad, the playground and the rocking band..... he had a blast... and so did John and I.
And since John didn't get any birthday cake... we opted for birthday ice cream at the tiny ice cream shop. It was yummy.. and we had a blast just sitting there listening to the music and watching Joshua bust some moves.
And before we left.. I wanted to get a picture of each of us with Joshua...
John's turned out like this...
Pretty decent right?
Mine turned out like this...
And this is after like trying to lighten the picture 5000 times...
I swear... THIS is why I am never in any pictures. When I had the camera to someone else.. I always get blurred, not centered or pictures that are so far zoomed out you cant tell I have a face.
Oh well.
Happy Birthday Hunny Bunny!! I love you more than you will ever know!

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